Since I am making a "red" dinner for Valentine's day, can I sub


Well-known member
tomato juice for part of the stock in a red lentil soup so that

it will really be red.? I think so and I will increase the seasoning a bit to offset the juice.

What do you think?

What's the rest of the recipe like? Will tomato impact the overall flavor? Sometimes it can be quite

a bully and just take over! Like Pol Pot, but nicer.

Do you have red gel food coloring? A dab of that would do the trick and won't impact the original flavors. You also might want to use orange (masoor dal) lentils rather than green or brown.

The red lentils, if you can find them would be great. Try either partial tomato broth. . .

or a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste. You could also try to get some annatto (sp?) past at a mexican/middle american store to help color as well.

Menu - unfinished - first course - cheese stuffed roasted peppers: if time allows I will make cheese

filled hearts and serve with salsa, soup, arroz con pollo ( the rice always has a red look to it and some roasted red pepper; salad - that will have some red but not only tomatoes, dessert - strawberry icecream cake.

I am definitely using "orange" red lentils and I think the gel
is a good ideal although I generally don't like using it.
Thanks to all and happy Valentines day.

I've run large sweet red bell peppers through my Champion juicer and reduced

the juice by stovetop, then seasoned with a bit of balsamic...served it under broiled fish. It was wonderful.
