Since I don't post much and have not been following the "old swap",


Well-known member
it took me awhile to get here.

AND I am soooooo happy to find everyone.

My printer is working overtime, and I think I've gained 2 lbs just reading the recipes.


Welcome Darice! What are your favorite things to make in the kitchen?? Nice to meet you!

Favorite things---

I love to bake; cakes, shortbread, cookies, get the idea.
Greek/Medit. foods
Julia Child's Mastering .. is a bible.
I have been using a crockpot a lot lately.
Also my own version of Chinese stir-fry(sometimes the "clean out the refrigerator recipe"), potstickers etc.

Hey Darice you sound a lot like me!

I haven't been much of a poster but had been following Gail's Recipe Swap for about 10 years posting only rarely and was sure glad to find where the folks who made it so comfortable and interesting had gone to. This is the spot I will check out most often now. Lots of kitchen wisdom to learn from here!

Baking...Crock Pot...Stir Fry...You are in the right place!! Please feel free to share your favs


I always followed Gails swap, but was so disappointed when the format changed.. Glad to finally have found the "group again. janei
