Sliced Almond Test is complete...


and I claim a Slicing Success for Phase I.

Was prepared to run 6 test batches, but am content with these four.

Soaked raw almonds overnight in filtered tap water, drained and left to dry.

Used my 26-year old Cuisinart DLC-7 with optional 1mm slicing disc. The basic processor comes with a 4mm disc. Processed between 1/3 C and 1/2 C each time. Baked #2 and #4 for 6 minutes at 350 degrees.

The test batches were:

1. Raw, soaked, dried, sliced w/ 1mm disc = BEST RESULT

2. Raw, soaked, dried, baked, sliced w/ 1mm disc

3. Raw, frozen, sliced w/ 1mm disc

4. Raw, baked, sliced w/ 1mm disc

The very first batch (soaked/unbaked) sliced the best. #2 Batch (soaked/baked) also sliced well, but steamed inside the processor and tastes cooked. I tried to capture that with the photo, but it's not as apparent. The raw/frozen (#3) completely jammed the processor within a second, so no photo there. The last batch (raw/baked) also started to jam, but I pushed down hard on the white pusher-tube and they all sliced. But you can see how chopped up and dusty they are.

If I had one of those bakery-grade nut sifters, I could get rid of all the smaller pieces, but for my purposes, this method works.

PS: As a bonus, you can also see the stovetop's Black Mark of Shame.

I'm back with baking results:

Phase II: Baking

The sliced test batches were re-baked at 350 degrees for 6 minutes:
1. Raw, soaked, dried, sliced w/ 1mm disc
2. Raw, soaked, dried, baked, sliced w/ 1mm disc
3. Raw, frozen (not tested in Phase II)
4. Raw, baked, sliced w/ 1mm disc = BEST RESULT

I have to admit that the roasted "unsoaked" almonds (#4) ended up the crispiest. And if I were eating nothing but sliced, roasted almonds, I'd have to go with this version.

But #1 wasn't far behind at all. #2 (soaked/roasted) didn't seem to brown/crisp up much. They're still warm...maybe they'll crisp when cool.

For ease and appearance, I'll still use the soaked almonds (less waste) if it's for something like the scones, where there are other tastes/textures.

(Edited Sunday morning) All three versions ended up crisp when cooled, although the non-soaked #4 was still the crispiest/best flavor.

I realized that it had somewhat of an unfair advantage. The other two were water-saturated, but I only baked them the same amount of time as the unsoaked batch.

If I test this again, I'll bake the soaked almonds at a lower temperature for longer to dry them out and crisp them up.

I agree with Sandy, I always enjoy your scientific/mathmatical aproach to a cooking challenge...(m)

Somehow I envision you having details written down re: Hypothysis and null hypothysis.

Glad you have all of your finger tips!


I let mine dry overnight after blanching before roasting, otherwise they just steam.

Sometimes I let them dry several days.I use the "bite" test..are they crunchy yet? If not, more drying out.
