Slight change to the User Agreement


Well-known member
From now on, no one is allowed to post any link to anywhere unless they have 50 posts.

This is because people are swooping in to post links to sites which are almost surely theirs, and yet I can't quite verify it.

I will probably be lenient with this in the case of obviously legitimate people, but woe betide anyone whose first post contains a link!

I've also changed it to allow you to post a link to your website in the "Who Are You" area...

after you have 50 posts.

Mimi, I worried about this when I posted the great KA mixer deal

- torn between wanting to share a great deal with my buds and not breaking "the rules." How do you decide when to link a non-recipe site? Colleen

The point is not to advertise your OWN site.

There's no problem with regular users posting links to useful information. These rules are put into place specifically to address the problem of spammers who use the site only to post a link to their own site, and then never be heard from again.

If you're a regular user, and you're posting a link to a website or company that you have no personal connection to, for the purpose of sharing useful information with others, that's totally fine.

The User Agreement explains this pretty well, but if any of the wording is unclear to you, please let me know and I'll try to improve it.

OMG, how did I miss that one!

Nothing I can do now. Once it's archived, I can't touch it. Argh.

I guess I didn't see what was so bad... they saw this as a food chat board and probably didn't read

the user agreement. I think some folks who have their own websites, are just into cooking and are glad to find people who share their passion. I had not realized either, that it was so forbidden to post a link to my own site (should I ever have one!). Thanks for clarifying this for us, Mimi.

The difference as I see it is that folks like this only come on to drive traffic

to their site. This guy only made 7 posts total, all linking to his blog. He never asked or answered a question. If he were participating in the discussions here it would be different. Ususally when these links appear on FK you see them everywhere else too; they flood every food forum on the net with the same stuff, hoping to get us to click on them.

Most newcomers ask a question first, or post a reply to one, or say "I'm new here."

Cheeze, if you had a website I would be delighted to be linked to it. You're an active member of the forum first, and would be sharing your site, second.

My site is all genealogy-related, so "delighted" may be a strong word smileys/smile.gif

You are right, though, as I didn't think about the fact that he never asked or answered a question... I'm glad the filtering is left up to Mimi *g*

That's exactly how I see it as well...they're not participating, just looking for free links.

Mimi, to express to you the most sincere apologies.

Sorry, before I put up my website link, because I did not read carefully the rules of the community and I are trying to learn English, it has some misunderstandings. To you the sincere apology. In the future I will comply with the time requirements.

Thank you hongshai and welcome!

I am looking forward to your participation on this board.

Good luck with your English. I too know what it is like to have to learn to get along in a second language. :eek:)
