Slight panic setting in. Dining room torn apart and big event coming up on Sunday.


Well-known member
It took hosting a party to get my DH moving on our dining room project. We tore off the enormous flower border and icky striped wall paper (our realtor described it as "Scranton circa 1985"). DH is putting in crown molding, molding around the door frames, new baseboard, and repainting the walls (celery and blue).

But I'm hosting a baby shower on Sunday with about 10 people coming. I sure hope everything is done by then. DH assures me that it will be.

Guess I should concentrate on my menu and finding my punch bowl...

It will be fine...

I am so used to home improvements being done before big parties, that I don't sweat it any more. My other half has done things like, decide to paint the kitchen the day before Thanksgiving for 12 and the like. They thrive on the thrill of the deadline.

Go polish the silver. smileys/smile.gif

breathe.... it will be fine! It may look upside down right now, but goes together fast.

Trust in the DH... and go find that punch bowl smileys/smile.gif

My dad is home maintenance O.C.D. One night his back was bothering him

and he got up to try to sleep/rest sitting up in a recliner in the den. Of course, then he got bothered sitting in the dark by how much the refrigerator was running. Got up in the morning and got his compressor after the fridge-underneath and coils. Any of you who have ever done this know that it can make your entire house look like a dust storm blew through. It stirs up an amazing amount of dirt-EVERYWHERE. It was the day before Thanksgiving when Mom had already cleaned house and was doing most of the cooking and expecting thirty people for the holiday. I think she considered divorce.

Don't mean to push the panic button but please be sure the place is aired out...

I don't believe it's a good idea for the mother-to-be to be breathing paint fumes. But then I haven't painted in a long time so this may not be an issue. My niece is due Friday so this may also be the rantings of a worried uncle.

She's also asking for ways to induce labor...I suggest braised pork belly. Don't know why but she didn't find that amusing.

Ha! My old BF would help with house *only* when people were coming over. I was *very* social. smileys/wink.gif

Even if he doesn't finish, it will be fine. People love to view a work-in-progress

In fact it's a great conversation starter.

When did you see a picture of my head?? And what I can do with a lightbulb...they've sung songs...

Joe, you're absolutely right!! I was just at my sis's and she's doing a complete kitchen remodel

In the midst of it all she offered her house for an impromptu birthday party (not knowing that the birthday girl's daughter had invited 30 people). Most of those 30 came and we just couldn't get them out of the kitchen as they oood and awwwwd and made suggestions and comments - it was quite the hit smileys/smile.gif

Looks like DH has moved on to paint, but whatever happened with your chairs? smileys/smile.gif

Ah, yes, the on-going saga of my dining room set. smileys/smile.gif

I have purchased two additional folding chairs with the lyre backs. We already have two of these that have held up really well over the past ten years. I have about ten people coming for the shower, so that will get me through Sunday with enough (sturdy!) seating for everyone.

My long-term plan is to replace the whole set with something I like better, so I'm combing Craigslist and plan to go to the local antiques mall to check out what they have there. I'm now educated enough in chair design to look for chairs that have crossbars bracing the legs so we don't end up with the same situation. Thanks for asking!
