Slowly, but surely I am e-mailing the cookbooks out!


Well-known member
I'm getting the cookbooks out to all who asked. Slowly, but you'll have it by Monday, for sure. I am more than happy to do this for you all, since I have learned so much from you guys!

P.S. You may have to take it to Kinko's to have it stapled together.

Also, your printer probably won't print on both sides of the paper, so you'll have double the amount of paper, but it'll all be there.

You may have to do something fancy with printing the cover out as a separate document if you want the cover, unless I can figure out how to arrange it so it doesn't mess up the page numbering.

So did I, but I couldn't open the file. I got the following error message:

"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Option Control Panel." Anyone know how to do this?

PLEASE NOTE: It is written in MSWord so you need that (or a compatible) program to

be able to read it. Meryl, I am sending you another version...

I still can't send PM's, so that's the reason for this long post :eek:(

And I'm sorry if I accidentlally sent anyone 2 identical e-mails, sent minutes apart, containing the files "cover" and "chocolate cookbook" - you are supposed to get 2 files, but not 2 e-mails! Somehow I think I might have entered your address twice if that's the case. I noticed when I went to mail it, it told me you were already in there :eek:(

I fixed it so the cover is printable as a separate file, so it doesn't have page numbers on it. The cookbook itself is the separate, larger file.

A few of you I sent the "first" version (more like 100th for the library's project), before I made the cookbook a separate file from the cover. So just delete that first one (sent over the weekend) if you got the early version (Eva, Meryl, DawnMO, Marilyn, for example).

Send no money! It didn't cost me a dime, and I'm glad I could share it. Once I got going, it didn't take me more than a few minutes to send it to you all (~75 people), either.

Except for the group of contributors from here, I omitted the names of the submitters of the recipes, as I don't know how they'd react to having their names e-mailed out in cyberspace. I wouldn't mind, but I didn't ask them, so I didn't include them. The "sellable" version included them.

Enjoy!!, but don't blame me for the extra 10 lbs. you may gain after trying some of the recipes out! :eek:O

Everyone get one who wanted one? I'll have this forever, so if you didn't send me

your e-mail address, and you're reading this in 2007 in the archives, send me an e-mail, and I'll forward it along to you!

Just got mine Dawn...terrific! For those that don't know, Kinko's only charges>>>

(I think)$5 to have it bound. The do a great job with a nice back cover and a front. It will be beautiful! Thank you Dawn.

Thanks, Dawn, I got your email and the new file. I found some old instructions I had saved,

which told me how to save things to Wordpad, since I don't have MSWord. It worked! Thanks again!

Re: Thank you - I received mine as well

It will be fun reading and experimenting. Much appreciated.

Got mine! I noticed the Chocolate Breakfast Muffin recipe I posted was in there.

Did you ever get a chance to try it?
