Snakehead for dinner? Trying snakehead is not on my bucket list but...

I had a bucket list item last week. Uni. Couldn't get past the texture. Anyone else

have food to try or restaurants to dine at on their bucket list? Might get some interesting responses.

A local setzchwan restaurant has a dish called "Dry Pot Duck Head" . . .

Don't know what it is, 'ceptin' it has duck heads in it. I guess you would eat the cheeks and tongues. Sounds like it would be fun to check it out at least. I think I just like the name of the dish!

A very invasive fish that is invading the waters here in the mid-east coast. It

eats everything and can live outside the water. It is aggressive and nasty. I can't imagine eating it!

I do beg your

pardon?!! {{{shudd-dd-dd-err}}}

Now I need AT LEAST 5 glasses of wine to wash away the thought of this HORRIBLE sounding dish!!!!
