so...big disappointment using powdered buttermilk....


I was thrilled with the texture and shape of Sherry Yard's Campton Place pancakes and decided to make them again this past weekend. Turns out the buttermilk that I thought was at the back of the frig was actually heavy cream.

But, ah-ha!--I had powdered buttermilk in the freezer, so my craving could be sated. The recipe called for 2 cups so I added 8 TBL to 2 cups water. Everything else in the recipe was the same.

These pancakes ended up thinner and didn't hold their risen shape! In fact, the original recipe made 14 pancakes (using real buttermilk) while this version made 24.

I definitely won't be using this product again, but is there usually that much of a difference between 2 cups of thick, real buttermilk and 2 cups of water with powdered buttermilk added to it?

I usually find I have to add considerably more powder than is recommended to

achieve a similar thickness and flavour.

That could be the ticket. I don't like the taste of buttermilk and just use it

for recipes where it is a critical ingredient. It wouldn't have occured to me to simply add more and make it as thick as the original.

I've also noticed the real stuff is very light and foamy and I wonder if 2 cups of it actually has the same dampening effect as 2 cups of water.

Thank you, Shaun. I'm going to make them again with real buttermilk and compare those results.
