So 'cited. ....have to tell ....I am getting my own weekly food column in the local newspaper.....


Well-known member
I have agonized over this. I wanted to aproach the column from a different angle. We do not have wine estates or farms here to incorporate into the column, anyhoo I think with so many diferent nationalities I have hit on a different angle.

I will be covering the arrival of all ethnic groups to the islands with a little history and then some recipes from that era (well, I dont have any canibilistic recipes from the Caribs, of course)and early recipes I am sure will not be 'xactly as they are today but the more I have delved into this, the more fascinated I have become.

I havent been given much space so please hold thumbs that I can do what I set out to do and it is a success.

At the moment I need some true OLD fashioned recipes that are Dutch...anyone have a TnT to suggest. Most Dutch recipes served here are more Flemish in concept.(which of course I will also use)

Sounds like a great idea! Good things happening all over this board!

Old Dutch recipes or Dutch-Caribbean in particular?

How about Stamppot (Celeriac Mash)? I just googled, not T&T

I know you can google as well as the next person, but more ideas maybe. From what I read, it's an old dish, made from mashed root vegetables (yuckk!). Or Snert (pea soup) - whoops, maybe not - common chat acronym.

And wow, there are a lot of ethnic recipes at this site!

Old Dutch/Europe Dutch that could have been eaten in 1600 here in the Caribbean

I'll return to each ethnic group and do articles on more up to date food eventually.

Thank you all...I am already...

doing a gardening column but I am not 'cited about that as it is a bit too much cut and paste thing and then adapting to the gardening I know of here well as numerous other articles all for the supplements. I am so enjoying all this.

just a wee follow up...........

I am starting each column with a bit of history and so far have made it to the Dutch and the old time recipes which include 'stampot' of either curly kale or cabbage and sausage...pannenkoek and stroop...when a colleague arrived back from holland with packets of ginger cake they eat for I used two recipes one from the 1600's using bread crumbs and the other a more up to date version.....I'll post this sometime....forgot my stick in the office

Congratulations, Joanie!

How about vinegar pudding? there was an article in the paper in NJ years ago about Vinegar Pie, and how the recipe went back to the Dutch days, and I sent them a recipe for vinegar pudding which fascinated them.

I have the Renata Coetzee book about the history of SA cooking, which has a fair bit about Dutch food. I was fascinated to read there that the light, fluffy rice we like now - at least those of us who still eat converted rice smileys/smile.gif - was called 'half-cooked rice' back then, as in those days they cooked rice to a porridge as a rule. Boerejongens was another Dutch recipe - booze soaked raisins.

This is just off the top of my head - let me know if you want me to have a proper look at the book.

Agh! Lana, daar is net tdy om hierdie info te geburuik, baaie, baaie dankie....

I dont have her book, I must look it up....many thanks...after I have gone through the ethnic arrivals I will be posting some old recipes that are now modernized IF I can find resorces here are only the internet, the only library just does not carry that kind of old book (recipe).....many thanks again, nice one.
