So, did y'all miss me?


Well-known member
Just got back connected. My computer, DSL modem, and DVD player all fried in a thunderstorm three weeks ago. A couple of days later my sister's boyfriend of ten years (they were really like an old married couple) died. He was feeling bad from early on a Sunday morning. She couldn't convince him to go to the ER and he said he'd refuse transport if she called. She even went and got his best friend to come over and reason with him. Around noon he was joking that he "didn't need no kgb, hcg, ekg..." He said he felt a little better and was going to go in and lie down for a while. When she checked on him ten minutes later he was dead. Just turned 56...If he'd gone to the hospital five hours earlier they would have started him on some heparin and gotten him to the roto rooter lab and he probably would have been fine.

Yeah, I've heard several comments about men not going to the doctor

including someone saying that unless they've had an arm lopped off or something about half of them won't go. We also suspect that he had probably had chest pain before and figured he'd be o.k. again. His dad had several heart attacks, including a first while he was still in his forties. Really bad prognosticator...

Welcome back! Wish the best for your sis and your family.

I know you are going though a tough time, my thoughts and prayers are with you.......

Sometimes people hesitate to go the er/doctor because of a lack of health insurance.

My sister-in-law hesitates to go to the doctor because she has to weigh in. I told her, just say no.

Yes, I know people like that...women, too. Cost and insurance often do factor in smileys/frown.gif

It does. I did the same thing last year since I didn't have insurance.

I don't know what the answer is, but a visit to the ER should not be able to financially ruin you, but it can.

Melissa, that is so very sad about your sister's boyfriend. Our neighbors could have had an

identical's their story==>About 10 years ago when Dave was 54 or 55, he'd just finished his early morning 5-mile jog and returned home to sit down at their back yard patio table where his wife, Janice, was reading the newspaper. She went inside to grab another mug so he could enjoy a cup of coffee w/ her on an absolutely gorgeous spring morning, and when she glanced out the kitchen window, she saw he had his head down on his arms that were crossed in front of him & on top the table. By the time she walked back outside, he was sitting bolt upright with an okay appearance, but she IMMEDIATELY asked him what was wrong becuz she'd seen him through the window. He admitted that he just didn't feel right, but assured her it would pass. Then he mentioned that the fingers on both his hands felt like they'd fallen asleep. Janice was up and moving to grab her purse & car keys + she informed her DH that she WAS taking him to the ER, no arguments. They got there in 7 minutes, & the staff immediately hooked Dave up to an IV 2 administer blood thinner + they ran a heart test. The ER doctor came into the exam room a few minutes later and said, "Mr. F, when you first arrived, you were NOT having a heart attack, but right now you are in the middle of a major one!" What saved Dave's life was the 15 minutes he'd had of that blood thinner being pumped into his veins. Man, I will never forget that story.

What a shame that your sister's boyfriend wouldn't listen to her. I guess he remained macho to the very end, didn't he? God bless him and her, too. (With a family history like his, it was truly just a matter of time unless he was seriously taking good care of himself health-wise plus taking any necessary cholesterol & blood thinner meds.) My heart goes out to your sister and the rest of both families.

An aquaintance in Big Bear called an ambulance to take his wife to the hospital when she fell...

and broke her arm. It's about 30 min. down the hill to the closest hospital in San Bernardino. It cost an arm and leg... sorry... couldn't help it smileys/smile.gif

Same with a friend of mine's very young brother-in-law.

I think he was 42. He told his wife he didn't feel good and thought he'd stay home from work, although he could never really articulate what was wrong. She worked about 45 minutes away. When she called around 10:30 to check on him she couldn't get him and went home and found him dead. They had a four-year-old. Very sad.
