So here's what you do with that expensive organic Yukon Gold potato


...picked up at Whole Foods for a slightly obscene amount. You "think" you're going to have it as tasty home fries for breakfast, but then fate intervenes.

Back at the old "new" homestead you realize the light underneath the microwave has burnt out while you were fighting Irma the Hurricane down in FL. Of course, this bulb is at the back of the stove and one is forced to lean over and crock one's neck in an Exorcist head spinning move to try and remove the bulb which SHOULD just unscrew, but then we are talking about me.

So--of course--the bulb DOES NOT UNSCREW and while the glass portion finally comes out with bare fillament wires the metal base does not. This is a problem.

On to Lowes to find the right bulb. I told the clerk about the base being stuck and said I would try to use needle nose pliers to remove it. He said that was a good idea, but I could also try sticking a cut potato in there and turn the base.


I honestly thought they were messing with me.

But when I got home and the pliers didn't work, I pulled out the potato and tried it because I was just that desperate. And DAMN if it didn't work.

The hardest part was figuring out which direction to turn the potato section once I had it in there because I wasn't facing the plug outlet; it faced away and into the wall. I had to lean over the stove, twist my neck, lift my arm for tension and mentally reverse the threading. Honestly my brain can't make that many adjustments at the same time.

Also, a russet would have been better because the Yukon is waxy. But needs must.

What a nifty tip! Sorry U had this trouble, Marilyn, but glad Lowe's gave U such a good suggestion.

My trick will be remembering your hint should the same thing happen to a burned-out bulb in our household.
