So I bought a bag of "sprouted whole wheat flour"? Now what do I do?


I just don't know what gets into my head at times. I see these things...I immediately want them...followed by the compulsive need to buy them. Then I don't know what to do with them.

Luckily, this doesn't happen when I see diamonds or spare organs.

You can use it one for one in place of all-purpose flour

I like to use it 1 cup per 2 cups of unbleached all-purpose flour in breads/ pizza dough, etc. but I use King Arthur flour which is so different than Gold Medal or Pillsbury or the others I can get here. I love King Arthur flour. So I think it depends on what you are making.

so...the word "sprouted" in the title doesn't mean anything different?

I thought maybe I'd have to wear beads and patouche.

It really is a matter of being able to digest the grain easier- "they" let it sprout

then dry and mill it- I think you will find it tastes and bakes very similar to "regular" whole wheat flour.
