So, I made Michael's chocolate cake with the pb frosting


Well-known member
and they were both good. I love the frosting and have made it several times before but can never find a chocolate cake rich enough to stand up to it. As much as I enjoyed Michael's cake recipe, this was not chocolately enough. I really think I need something that is almost brownie like in consistency. Does anyone have a recipe for something like that?

Caveat: I made the cake into cupcakes as I needed a dessert to bring to book club and I wanted my boys to try some too. Cupcakes allowed me to meet both needs. I think the cake and frosting would be a better combination with the chocolate frosting in between the layers but doing cupcakes, I didn't have that option.



I recently learned to search here successfully using a few known

key words or ingredients, each separated by a comma, in the search box. In this case, I used:

cake, peanut butter, Michael

and up came several references with the recipe.

Maybe some of you already knew how to perform this type of search, but I didn't, so I thought I'd pass it along for others who may be struggling with finding items when the exact title is not known.

Discovered the process by accident one night when I was feeling unmotivated recipe-wise but knew I wanted to make something for dinner with chicken thighs, cilantro and onion. So I entered the key ingredients:

chicken, thighs, onion, cilantro

Lots of suggestions and recipes popped up. Love it!

REC: Scott Clark Woolley's Fudge Brownie Cake

I've baked this once or twice and the layers weren't very high, but they're moist and delicious.

Wendy Debord posted this at egullet: "Here's the chocolate cake recipe I use the most. I've tried sooooo many other chocolate cake recipes and find this to be the most consistent and the best tasting, best crumb, best keeper. It's from Scott Clark Woolley, a well known cake decorator."

Fudge Brownie Cake, yield: 2, 9" rounds

sift together:
3 c. flour
1 1/2 c. cocoa
1 1/2 tsp. soda
1 tsp. salt

3/4 c. butter, room temp
2 c. sugar

Then add: until creamy
3 eggs
1 c. buttermilk
2/3 c. canola oil
2 tsp. vanilla extract

Then mix in you dry ingredients from above.

To this you add:
1 1/2 c, boiling water or hot coffee.
Nuts are optional

The author recommends 275-300°F oven and NOT hotter. They are allowed to cool in the pans for ONLY/exactly 5 minutes and then you turn them out and wrap them in plastic wrap, sealing them. This step can't be omitted, it does steam the cake and that does make the cake better then if you air cooled it (I've done both, wrapped is better). I've also baked it at 350° and that does work but a cooler oven is better. Be forewarned this cake does not rise high in the pan, it will be pretty close to the level of batter when finished. I've multiplied this recipe as high as x6 which fills a 20qt mixing bowl, with no problems. This cake can be baked in any size pan without changes.

The cake is a little more dense than most cakes, but not chewy or brownie-like. NT

Yes. I bake cakes at 300

This method takes a little longer, but I'm sold.
I read about this at, a cake decorating site that I used to visit. It ensures a less domed cake (usually) and it reduces the need for bake even strips, etc.
