So me and the mister are celebrating


Well-known member
our 25th anniversary next summer with two of our best friends, also celebrating their 25th. We'd like to combine the celebration, not taking anything from the other, but, what a big party. Does anyone have ideas for a joint 25th Wedding Anniversary party?

The government says we've only know each other for a year, but then there are those previous 24 years (sorry, had to say that). We just got back from Argentina and Antarctica, heading off the NYC, and then who knows???

Living well is the best revenge.

I have no suggestions, but want to offer hearty congratulations on your 25 years.

Living well is the best "revenge".


Congrats to you and T! Reach out when you have your plans for NYC finalized. What are you

thinking with "big".... i.e. "Big" number of people or "Big" experience?
I'll put my thinking cap on!

Congrats again!

Best wishes for another 25 years of living well.

I have no experience with combined parties other than I have attended a couple and found them rather confusing. We knew one party but not the other and there were so many people we did not know there and it just felt uncomfortable to us. We did not know which friends belonged to which and had to ask. Probably just us, because we both prefer a cozier atmosphere. I am sure whatever you decide you will have a fine time.

How about "50 Years of Love (well, mostly!)" as a theme?

Good lord. I have known you almost as long as you have been with your Mister.

And I have enjoyed them all. Many, many congratulations to both of you and your friends as well. What a party that will be!

Outstanding news!

Big time congratulations to you - and to your friends. Wonderful!

Please share about Antarctica. We would love to travel there smileys/smile.gif


Congratulations to all of you! I am at a loss to offer menu advice, not knowing the other couple.

but maybe you can do all the food and leave the drinks to them? Perhaps dessert should center around "quatre quatres," the French pound cake. Literally "four quarters."

Congratulations Richard, Tim, and friends! We celebrated our 25th in Paris 8 years ago.

We are getting old, my friend.

Ha! That was my giggle for the morning! Congrats to O and dh for being well seasoned!

Congrats on 48!!! Really special!~

That could be a theme.... (Not knowing Richard's friends), but if they also enjoy traveling....

You can definitely build on that.......

- Menu's
- Location
- attire
