And made me think of the day, I took fresh Asian Lillies to my office and made a huge bouquet for my
desk. I bent down to smell the lovely aroma a few times, then had a meeting to go too at the main station where I worked for the police dept.
I went into the conference room, sat down with my co workers, my Lieutenant, Sergeant and two community service officers. We all discussed our week and what are plans were and what we hoped to accomplish. I noticed I was being looked at strangely, and reflected back on what I had said...did I say something wrong, they did not understand, or what? Got back to my office and used the restroom. As I washed my hands I looked up and there was yellow stamen pollen all over my nose. I was so mad, I called my boss and said, "why did anyone not tell me that I had that all over my face?" He laughed and thought is quite funny! grrrrrr......... typical police humor!