So simple, yet it made me happy: a sharp chef's knife, a wooden cutting board, a

Carlo Middione's Polenta Facile >> cooked in a double boiler

(I simply CAN'T say this name without thinking "FRA-JILL-A" from "A Christmas Story and the "fragile" leg lamp.)

These turned out perfectly creamy...and I didn't have to ANYTHING other than give it a stir every 30 minutes. I ended up cooking it for 2 hours and an quite happy with this method.

Used 1 cup of coarse grits (Thank you, Early Girl in Asheville) with 1 quart of liquid. I did manage to screw it up a bit (I am, after by finding home-made chicken broth in the freezer and using that for part of the 4 cups of water, but then still add 1/2 TBL of salt. So the end result was a bit salty. I tempered that with the dregs of heavy cream I had left over.

And having donated my unused double boiler years ago, I had to jerry-rig one with Cuisinart stock pot, a large glass bowl, a ring of aluminum foil around the bowl edge to help nest better and a dinner plate pressed on top as cover.

Not as pretty as Carlo's (see next link) but it worked and that's all that mattered.

You mean they make such things to gauge if you really cut something at exactly the precise thickness

such as mushrooms at 1/4 inch? Sigh...... I will never be the same again.

Vernier! I've missed you. I was a draftsman for 12 years and used one daily. So that's why I'm proud

that these old eyeballs are still capable of gauging the right size.

I sort of take it that you don't find coarse cornmeal (grits) in FL. I think you

have that wonderful home in NC also now. Go to BiLo and get some of their Lakeside grits--the white are exceptionally good and the yellow are "polenta" for all intents and purposes. Cheap also. Just an FYI. ;o)

These are not super coarse, I will say. If you want really coarse cornmeal, I find it in the Latino section of my supermarkets.

Facile? Not so facile

Is it really, really worth rigging up a double boiler for? I'll do it because I love good polenta, I have coarse grits, and the every-30-minute stir is appealing.

Come on, it is really? smileys/wink.gif Colleen

I thought it was worth it. I've always cooked mine on the stove top and it dries

out much quicker, so I have a hard time cooking it long enough. Just pick a time when you're doing something else and set a timer. That's what I did.

I even froze half and thawed/zapped it for dinner last night. Still good.

I didn't notice that the Carlo version says to have the water touching the bottom. I've NEVER used a double boiler where the water touches, so I didn't. And it still worked.
