So what are you making for Father's Day?


Well-known member
As usual, my grown stepsons called ME to take care of the whole thing - surprised they even remembered it was coming up.

I'm still trying to keep costs low until a job comes through (have something on the verge so keep your fingers crossed for me). So I'm looking at what I have in the freezer. Maybe a 'surf & turf' or my strange carnivore's delight like I did one father's day using a little of everything -

Tri-tip - this is a possibility - maybe a picanha since I haven't made it in a while

Salmon - maybe grill and serve with Randi's pinot gris sauce

Gonna head for the beach.....very pricey so we share one thing between us.....

This will be the Burratta and tomatoes and extra bread....they always serve loads of fresh baguette with evoo and balsamic so will fill up on that...DH will drink beer...we will go for Clau Belisse BIG bottle, I think (or 2 or 3)

Girls dancing on the tables....bronzed beach boys bring tables and swirling frosty glasses, swimming and chilling...every now and then a champagne goes by with the music and fire spray accompaniment, also huge birthday cakes appear for those parties with sparklers etc....OH these days on the beach under the palms, next to the blue Caribbean Sea on white, white sand...(dont like the heat)

Reservations! Doing a double header.......celebrating DH's sister's birthday and Father's Day.

When I am craving ribs but the bank account won't allow for baby backs, I get...

...a couple of tray packs of boneless or bone-in country style ribs and pre-bake them in a slow oven for 4 to 5 hours, covered. I put a simple rub on them, or sometimes just salt and pepper.

I finish them on the grill by browning them over a high flame and basting with a sticky BBQ sauce.

Good stuff!


Big surprise here, Mexican!

My stepdaughter is making:
Carne Asada for Burritos/Tacos
Refried Beans

I am making:
Mexican Restaurant Salad
(that Meryl linked to above)
Pico de Gallo
Heather's Miracle Margarita Flan Cake
Caramel Cashew Shortbread Bars

Watermelon Lemonade

Okay, I am a complete putz.

I jut made Heather's Miracle Margerita Flan Cake and it is baking in the oven. I bought rum instead of tequila and I didn't have the yellow cake mix I thought I had. And I didn't have any Grand Marnier. So I used rum instead of the tequila and Grand Marnier and a white cake mix for the yellow. I tasted the cake batter and it was tasty, so hopefully it will come out good. I will edit this message after we have tried it.
And what would this cake be? A daiquiri cake or a pina colada cake?

I was also going to make the Mexican Restaurant Salad recipe, but Bubba ate all the romaine lettuce (I was making a half recipe) so I had to sub coleslaw mix for it. Oh bother.

I like that - flexible! Sounds like you have a Miracle Rum Cake and Mexican Coleslaw smileys/smile.gif

Okay, some loved the cole slaw and some loved the cake.

With the cake, I think it wasn't cool enough. I think I would want to serve it much colder than I was able. It is amazing, there is a layer of flan on top, but for my crew, that is what they didn't like. Again, I think if it had been chilled, they would have liked it. The rum was really good, but we hesitated to serve it to the kids, because the rum was very strong. The cake part itself was really good with the rum, and I would definitely make it again like that. I kind of think it was my crew, not the cake.
The cole slaw had feta in it which I knew a few people wouldn't like, and I found it okay. My stepdaughter loved it and took the leftovers home. Her carne asada was excellent and all in all it was a great dinner.
