Soft stick candy source? Does anyone remember this candy...


I've likely asked this before, but does anyone know of a source (or even know what I'm talking about) for soft stick candy? Not peppermint.

My aunt use to send us this from Texas every christmas when I was a kid and we'd fight over them. It looked like chalk. Pale colors like green and yellow, no stripes, so full of air we'd use them as straws and drink liquid up through them. I think they came in a small plastic sack with a twist tie. The closest in texture to them might be a butter mint.

I want to try and find some for mom's birthday in May. I did find an online source I'm going to try (Helm's) but thought I'd mention it here first in case someone knows what I'm talking about. I can't be the only one who had these - they were awesome.

I vaguely remember something similar to this, although I might be

thinking of angel mints (which are peppermint) or bright pink "lipstick" (strawberry-flavored?)that came wrapped in metalic gold paper - does anyone remember those?

Nothing like reception sticks, are they? Hard candy, about 4 inches long and covered with chocolate - no, I guess not.

Here is a fun site that might help you, if the Helm's one doesn't work out. Good luck!

What was everyone's favorite candy that you ate when a kid? Mine were

Pom Poms, licorice "records" (discs with red cinnamon candy in the middle), those candy lipsticks I was talking about above ;o), Sugar Babies, Pixie Stix, and Black Jack gum... lucky for me and my blood sugar levels, most of these aren't made anymore!

What was everyone's favorite candy that you ate as a kid? Mine were

Pom Poms, licorice "records" (discs with red cinnamon candy in the middle), those candy lipsticks I was talking about above ;o), Sugar Babies, Pixie Stix, and Black Jack gum... lucky for me and my blood sugar levels, most of these aren't made anymore!

Anything chocolate, of course: Milky Way, Snickers, Almond Joy, Nestle's Crunch, Milk Duds,

O'Henry, Hershey's with Almonds, Goobers, etc.
Now they're all too sweet for me!

Malted Milk Balls, especially the Robin Egg ones at Easter. Green fondant

covered coconut Russell Stover easter eggs, coconut nests, sweettarts, Cadbury Shortcake Snack and Caramello. The best was picking out anything at the full service candy counter at the dime store. I imagine it was all Brachs.

Adams sour orange gum, fire stix, green apple stix, Bun bars, slo poke, turkish taffy

Thanks here are some I ordered to try out....

These sound kinda close so I ordered the Virgina Beauties from here:

and the ones from here because it says you can drink with them like a straw, which we did as kids.

I also hunted down "crystal cut" candies as it was another fav we had. Mom worked at the legendary Bauer's Restaurant/Confections in Denver where they made these -- they also sent everyone to a 2-week finishing/etiquette school before anyone could start work. Imagine someone doing that today!

They don't look the same though. I spoke to their rep and it sounds like they have the ingreds (they claim to have the Bauer's recipe) but not the how to. These candies had a shattered look in the center, hence the name. This was news to the rep and she loved the idea, but for Mom's 90th birthday I'm gonna give'm a try!

Film at 11 as to how they taste!

I loved the Chick-O-Sticks (we called them chicken legs), Pixy Sticks, Abba-Zabas, Bit-O-Honey,

Big Cherry, and those chocolate Ice Cubes!

Vanilla Bonomo Taffy (all cracked up), lemon drops, root beer barrels, anise drops,

Slo Poke, Sweet Tarts and, of course, Hot Tamales.

I wasnt a kid but they were called Ginger Jongs. Made by a company in England with a double name.>

Sold in the 70s only at Woolworth's bulk candy counter. They were hard candy on the outside with a chewy strong ginger flavor center inside. About the size of a Werthers caramel. Have tried every store (even in England) and web site I could find and no one has ever even heard of them.

Does anyone remember the small

chocolate bar that was filled with cherries? I think it was in a blue wrapper? I was talking to someone about this on vacation and they remembered it as vaguely as I did and we couldn't come up with the name of it.

This would have been in the mid-60s.

So last century.

Anyway, that was one of my favorites, along with "Chunky" and Papa's Easter Eggs.

Papa's is a local candy company and they make the most amazing candy easter eggs. They haven't changed since I was a kid. It's basically high quality opera cream made with cream, butter, and corn syrup with flavorings, shaped into an oval egg shape, then dipped in either bittersweet or milk chocolate. They come in beautiful silver and color coded foil wrappers. (Cherry is red, pineapple is yellow, etc.)

The dark chocolate flavors are cherry (it's like a gargantuan chocolate covered cherrry), mint, pineapple, opera cream, vanilla, chocolate, etc. They appeared when I was buying supplies to take to Egypt, so of course a package of Papa's Easter Eggs travelled to the Nile along with me.
