Thanks everyone...I'm not worried (yet!) I worked for a real estate based magazine and well,
you know the industry has been hammered hard. I'm afraid with the economy the way it is, recovery is at least a couple years away. So it was a smart move on their part. They let go 1/3 of the most non-essential staff. I was working on web-based training programs, designing graphic materials, website traffic analytics, and an industry-based glossary. Not exactly essential to the survival of the company.
After all these years, I finally got a chance to work for a company that had all the right elements: great staff, decissive and forward-thinking management, award-winning product, and a great work enviroment. I'm fortunate I had a chance to work there...and now I'm on to my next adventure! The crystal ball is a little foggy now, but I'm sure I'll land in a good space. Each change has taught me so much, I welcome the transition.