Sometimes the stuff you throw together to clean out the fridge and use up leftover...


Well-known member
...ingredients become some of the best plates you've had in awhile, right? You guys know what I'm talking about, I'm sure.

Monday I had some leftover roasted and shredded spaghetti squash, a couple of shallots that needed to be used up and some excellent feta cheese that had some aging on it as well.

Tossed some gee and olive oil into a hot skillet. Sauteed the shallots, chopped fine, with some minced garlic. Added some canned, whole tomatoes that I rough-chopped, while reducing the liquid from that can of tomatoes in another saucepan. Added some chopped, fresh baby spinach, chopped fresh basil, the leftover spaghetti squash and the liquid reduced from the canned tomatoes. Continued to toss until the squash was heated through, while marveling at the colors in the pan. Red tomatoes, green spinach/basil, yellow squash... nice.

Once all was heated through and the liquid reduced to a thick sauce, I corrected the seasoning with S & P. Turned off the heat and added about 3/4 cup of chunked feta, tossed to mix and slid onto a plate.

Garnished with a bit more julienned basil and some bacon crumbles, while realizing that I just might have something edible here.

Best lunch I've had all week!


Sounds wonderful!

Double delicious because waste not and healthy. Plus you cleaned out the refrig.! LOL!

Some of my best meals are from what "fell out of the fridge...

and mixed with stuff from the pantry.

My kids would ask if we could have the same thing again. The answer was generally No!
My most used "cookbook" is still the JIR- "Journal of Irreproducible Results".
