Sorry, haven't been around much..... and shall commit a sin....

I am offended that the Goddess Anoia, Patron Saint of Stuck Kitchen Drawers, was not included.

ANOIA: Goddess of Things That Get Stuck in Drawers, is a minor goddess on the Discworld. When someone rattles a drawer and cries "How can it close on the damned thing but not open with it? Who bought this? Do we ever use it?", even though the person might be genuinely irritated or even exasperated, it is as praise unto Anoia.

Faithful Anoians (worshippers of Anoia) purposefully rattle their drawers and complain every day. Anoia also finds objects that roll under other objects and things stuck in sofa cushions, and is considering handling stuck zippers. She eats corkscrews.

All week I've been praying to the Goddess Anoia, High Priestess of refrigerator drawer freezers.

Damn that frozen pizza, damn it all to H*LL! I give thee as an offering to Goddess Anoia!
