Sorry Missy. I remember that I posted and I just tried to get the link on quickly.

Thks everyone - sour cream FINALLY did the trick.....

I swear I felt like Edward Scissorhands but with flames shooting out the ends of my finger tips.

Ricotta didn't work too well and I think putting the glove on it held in the heat from my hand making it worse. Poured heavy cream down the glove. Still not much better for more than a few minutes. Then we tried the sour cream, should have seen me trying to get a spoon with sour cream down into the glove (I was wearing a food service glove so it was one of those sort of loose ones at least). Again, relief for a few minutes onl. Gave up and off with the glove!

Kept going to the bathroom and giving my hand an alcohol bath every few minutes. I was tryng to clean the kitchen from supper, finish canning the peppers, and getting the green beans ready to can - all of which I had started before the burning started.

Finally as I got almost everything done I tried just some sour cream by itself. Didn't seem to help a lot. Then I put another coat of sour cream on and sat down on the sofa. Within a few minutes it all stopped. The sour cream thickened onto a paste and I was fine. Then I went to gently wipe it off before going to bed and it seemed fine but within about 10-15 minutes my hand was on fire again. I had taken two tylenol pms so I decided to let it burn - i would be out of it in a while anyway. Woke up this morning and it's fine again.

So much for being Miss Locavore and canning my own peppers! They are pretty thought - all three quart jars. And I really need to do at least twice that many if I intend to give any of my special Phase II peppers away as gifts. But now I have a fresh memory to remind me to wear gloves, especially if I am going to cut that many peppers. I still have the long hots and some others to go - haven't canned them yet.

Oh...OW. Been there, done that...done worse too.

I did exactly the same thing, and now I put on vinyl gloves for the chore. If it's only a few, I use a ziplock baggie filled with crushed ice and sealed. The ice stops the cooking, and is abrasive enough to take off the charred skins.

Worse? I'd been sanitizing a frozen yogurt machine with a bleach solution, and used a squirt of dish-washing liquid to cut the vegetable oil sealant on the O-rings (like veggie Vaseline)...instant PAIN. OMG. The burning was incredible. My fingers were as swollen as sausages, the skin blistered and peeled, and nothing cooled it down. I had to wear gloves for a week!

And did you noticed I posted a response last time? It didn't work last night.....

The aloe was the first thing I grabbed after washing them good and I kept putting it on and kept putting it on. It would cool for a few minutes and then it was right back.
