Sorry to keep bringing this up but do you think cutting some of the mustard and adding a little

Janet, I answered the PM up above, but I'd say slightly reducing it would be fine

1/3 cup instead of 1/2 cup.

You can always taste it when finished and if you feel it's too strong, warm up just the sauce, remove from heat and add some pats of butter to soften the taste. Allow the butter to melt from the residual heat...don't use direct heat or it may separate.

Or have some heavy cream already reduced and add that at the end.

Forgot to mention that my Mother hated mustard BUT. . .

she always scarfed my Mom-in-Law's potato salad recipe, which had mustard in it.

And she loved ham made the simple way my sister found to make: Equal parts brown sugar and regular yellow mustard, glaze ham with it. I gotta admit, for a sweet ham glaze, this is pretty tasty.

You might wand to mix the "man-pleasing sauce" with half the mustard and then give it a taste before you mix it with the chicken. Then add more if you think you will like it.

I haven't tried it, and though I love mustard, keep in mind that it loses its bite when it is cooked

Also, the brand makes a difference. I've lost all faith in Grey Poupon. Trader Joe's and Mailles are both made in France and soooooo much better.
