Sour Cherries! For years I have been lamenting the fact that I cannot get . . .


Well-known member
Sour cherries in this area. Sweet, tons of; frozen sweet cherries, sure no problem. Sour--the best for pies and jams/preserves, no way.

I went into a small middle eastern marked with a nice produce section and found fresh sour cherries! Plus lots of sour cherry syrup, cheap pommegranite juice, all sorts of fruit syrups, orange flower and rose water (and lots of other blossom waters!), plus I found a source of reasonably priced lamb and OMG, they cut their own meat.

I think I will be making some cherry pie soon, as well as cherry preserves. And perhaps I will drag my sister over there to buy some REAL beef ribs with the meat left inbetween the ribs (not all carved our, like they sell around here!).

I am in southern California. . .

I have not seen them in the oriental markets around here, but I have never really looked during this time of year. Thanks!
