speaking of canning, I have currants, lots and lots of currants. anyone have ideas besides jelly

Lucky you! I had pickled currants last year. They were fun and a nice combo of sweet / spicy.

A grower at the Farmer's Market has nine children and one of them is in Alaska

She told her mom the growing season is great this year... her tomatoes were starting to turn red and she was thrilled. Don't know where in AK she lives.

busy again, 1 gal of juice gone. 9 jars of jelly and a bucket of cordial.

and I made a pint of red currant vinegar. just for the heck of it. took some of the red berries, put them with about 2 cups of white vinegar and whizzed it up with the immersion blender. filtered it about 5 times and added enough white vinegar to fill up the pint and added a few strands of the currants on their stems. very very pretty. not sure if it really tastes of anything special, but the color is lovely and would make a fine vinaigrette. you can barely see the jar at the very back of the picture on the other counter.

