Speaking of fast delivery...my package from JNPottery (Judy-mass) arrived today!


Well-known member
I placed the order on Friday. Everything is beautiful and arrived in perfect shape even in recycled packing (which I truly appreciate).

The Garlic Keeper holds lots of heads as opposed to the one I had which barely held one head.

I also got the small white pitcher for syrup to replace the old one-cup Pyrex measuring cup I was using. And a round spoon rest that will accommadate tongs and a wide spatula.

What a Thanksgiving! and it's only Wednesday.



Several mths ago I bought a little blue crock w/ lid from Judy-mass, and it arrived as the

best packed and quickest delivery I've ever experienced. Mine looks similar to yours, Michael, except no air holes in the base. I'm using mine for garlic bulb storage--it's great! Judy does excellent work!

Have I mentioned lately...

how much I love this group?

I'm so glad that all who have my humble pottery items are using and enjoying them.
That's why I make them!

Thanks to all.
