Speaking of sugar, our SuperWalmart had Domino Organic Sugar on the Discontinued shelf.


The 1.5 lb (24 oz) bag had a $1 sticker on them.

I grabbed all four!


Just goes to show that folks in my local area could care less about organic.

I also noticed in the baking aisle that Domino is now printing 20% MORE! on their 5-lb bags.

The thing is...they used to be 5-lb bags BEFORE they started packaging them in 4-lb bags. Now they're pushing a savings if you buy what you always used to buy. Only now you think you're getting a deal, even though the price is 20% higher than the 4-lb bag.

Anyone else doing the math here...


If you can get a deal on any sugar you should grab it. Some of you may know of the fire in Brazil

at Santos, the port where the majority of the world's sugar is loaded. The fire damaged the warehouses where the sugar is stored before being loaded on ships. Prices (at wholesale) shot up right away.

Very little, if any, of this sugar ends up in the US. Our government protects the sugar growers/producers in this country by charging a huge tariff on imported sugar. But, whenever sugar prices rise internationally, American sugar tends to follow.

Bottom line: stock up if you find a deal!

