Springerle anyone?......... more


Well-known member
I used to order Springerle cookies from a bakery here every year for Christmas. Eventually the bakery closed, maybe I bought too many Springerle. In our paper today there was an article about this pastry chef, the same one who made the springerle at the bakery. Recipes for a few of his cookies were in the article including the springerle. These are NOT rock hard springerle. You may also be able to access the whole article about this pastry chef from the link.http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071128/FEATURES02/711280754

Judy thanks for the link...

You are so correct that Springerle should not be rock hard. They're so often overbaked. Classic texture should be a firm crisp shell with a soft interior.
