Steve, Maria, or anyone else that has Ernest Weil's "Love to Bake"


Well-known member
Is there by chance a recipe for Cassata Siciliana or Cannoli Cake in the book? I'm still looking for a copy and was just wondering.


I don't see that, but this list of recipes should help...

This book is a bit funky in it's layout, but I think this is everything. These aren't the greatest pixs, but I'm running out before the library closes - I can update if you can't read something, just give a shout.

Cut off on the bottom of first pg is Baseler Deluxe under fancy cookies.

Steve, thanks, I had already printed that one when

I was searching. Looks promising. I had the best Cannoli Cake in NYC and I'm trying to get the recipe out of the restaurant, still trying. I can probably come close to duplicating it, but I thought if Weill had one, it would be a really good version. Going to spring the Cassata Siciliana on my family for the next family dinner. Ha!


Maria thank you so much for taking the time to post that index...

I really appreciate it. And although the cake isn't there, I am really enjoying reading through the recipes. I've been searching, but still haven't come up with on so I'm about ready to get the download copy they're offering.

No problem -glad you're enjoying. Yes, to what Steve mentioned about not Italian

Though there are many Italian bakeries in SF, this wasn't one of them. I looked for the recipe, but didn't expect to find it. So wanted to give you a sense of what's in the book, you know, besides Steve's cake*, since you're thinking about getting it.

*I secretly love I have a picture of it.
