Still have some bay leaves left - anyone want some?


Well-known member
Enough for 3 or 4 more people - there was more there than I first thought after I trimmed the tree. Just let me know.


Tess, your bay leaves were so wonderful last year

that I bought two trees last spring and just did my first harvest!

Now, if I could only find a curryleaf plant. I LOVE fresh curryleaf!

yes please

If you have some left. My plant never got large enough for a harvest and now it is dying. I'm 0 for 2 with bay trees. I will pm my address.

Could ya'll post some good recipes for using them? I have a bunch from Penzy's that

just sit there, looking leaf-ish.

oh, I did a dry-brine ONCE. I buzzed the kosher salt and herbs together

in a coffee grinder, but then STILL measured out 5 TBL of "salt" called for in the recipe.

Once the kosher salt was pulverized, 5 TBL was WAY TOO MUCH and I completely ruined the meat.

I did something similar

The second time I used the Acme Chophouse duck confit recipe it was way too salty. The directions are to grinds the herbs and then mix them with kosher salt. I ground the salt with the herbs. My duck was almost too salty to eat. I think grinding gives more surface area so more dissolves and moves into the meat (Sally, correct me if I'm wrong). Of course, it is possible that I measured incorrectly. I just bought 2 ducks and will be very careful this time.

I don't see why not... I'm not really a green thumb type person and I don't pay it much

attention. It's in a large-ish pot. In the summer I have it out on my deck. In the winter (here in NJ) I have it in the house in front of a bay window.

In the summer I feed it occasionally (when I remember) with a gentle organic fertilizer. In the winter, I just try to remember to water it smileys/smile.gif

I think the one I have is about 15 years old now. It looks like a small tree - about 3 1/2 feet tall. All summer it grows new leaves and new branches. When I bring it in in the fall I have to trim it because it won't fit in the window.

If I can grow one.... anyone can smileys/smile.gif


Isn't it great to just pluck a leaf or two whenever you need it? When they get larger you can use

the trimmed twigs for skewers - they impart a nice flavor to pork.

