Storm of the century-I'm back after 38 hours with no power. We got a FOOT of


Well-known member
snow. Now, I know this doesn't sound like much to some of you, but we normally get maybe an inch or two once every few years. We don't have snow plows. It was wet and heavy and broke lots of trees. It shattered all records kept for the last 112 years. Sure was pretty until the power went out.

whew! So glad I'm down south! I cannot imagine Austinites in that kind of snow.

I'd sure stay home and hope noone would run off the road and hit my house! (It almost happened in the rain a couple of weeks ago -- they only got the mailbox, though).

It'll probably be 80 tomorrow!

Dallas folks here can't handle it either. I only heard a few cars go down my street yesterday

but today the streets were mostly clear. It stayed at 34 to 32 degrees the whole time. Unfortunately it was very dark and cloudy so I spent most of my time huddled around my little coleman lantern trying to read or work crossword puzzles. It got down to 46 in the house. I'd just cooked two chickens Thursday to make a big pot of broth to make soup and never thought to put it outside so I guess I'll have to throw it all out now. Thirty eight hours in the fridge with no power was probably too long.

It was wild. I've never seen so much snow (in person). There were 200,000 people without power at the height of the outage. Live oaks, magnolias and cedars/firs just collapsed from the weight.

It would be nice to have ONE day out of the year where we got a foot of snow.... just ONE day smileys/smile.gif
