Golly. I bought 2 because I want to be a good grandma. My 6yo grandson wants to help make the thanksgiving pie and he is adamant about using the real thing and it has to be sugar pie pumpkins. They were 1.69/lb and I thought I had picked out 2 lighter ones. whoa. over 7 pounds later and I was seriously conflicted in the checkout line. Maybe I should have waited for a drop in price, but up here if you see it in the stores, ya better buy it. They are now sitting in the cool garage and I'm praying that they do not start to rot. Maybe I should just bake them and freeze the pulp, but I think he really wants to do this from raw stage to finished product(probably a "Mom" idea for a learning experience) and I want to be encouraging. Maybe I'll bake one of them early, just in case. We can't do this together any earlier than t-day cuz they are coming up from Seattle on Wed. Gee, I hope I don't get hooked on these little gems. I'll have to save my pennies every year. LOL