Suggestions for leftover corned beef? No reubens, no hash, TIA.

Thanks Joanie, pasties sound wonderful...

but a little too labor intensive for my mood right now. I ended up making a carbonara with corned beef, bacon, garlic, and red peppers garnished with fresh basil.

Actually turned out pretty good.

Next time make a pizza

Make a Bechamel with caraway seed, use some sauerkraut, a few kinds of cheeses, pickles or potatoes if you like- or whatever else you can dream up. I did this once and it was pretty darn good.

That is a fantastic idea.

It's sort of the open-faced version of the ubiquitous leftover casserole.

I once made a "Sunday Dinner" pizza with these leftovers:

Mashed potatoes
Chicken Gravy
Chopped fried chicken
Green Onions
Buttered Corn
Cheddar Cheese

Heart attack on a plate, but yum.

Hah- this is like the KFC "bowl" on crust. How could it be bad especially with home made gravy?
