Suggestions, please. Feeding family with multiple food allergies AND a vegetarian.


Enthusiast Member
David has invited friends over for dinner on Sunday. I called to find out what they like and was given a daunting list of food allergies and the wife is vegetarian. NO beef, wheat, dairy, nuts, pork, or shellfish. No meat for the vegetarian. They do like Mexican, so I guess I'm looking for some ideas to accommodate that. There are no soy allergies. I generally avoid soy, but would likely use soy cheese in something. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts...

I love the Mediterranean Fish rec posted on EPI; unfortunately

their server is down, so I can't link. It is not on Gourmet or BA; it is a rec that was posted by a user. If you google, the link will show up. (Says server is down now). Very easy, great presentation. You can serve with roasted vegies and roasted pots.

Have a great party!!



How about a taco or tostada bar? Make a pot of plain pinto beans, which I like

better than fried in lard anyway, corn tortillas (in my neighborhood the flat-fried tostadas are always available), rice, lettuce, radishes, onions, tomatoes, chiles, salsas, guacamole and then some meat for those who enjoy it. Carnitas and/or carne asada if the non-beef and pork eaters are few, or perhaps chicken or grilled fish.

Everyone can put together their own plate.

We've had several threads about this dilemma and the moral of the story seems to be "Don't ask in the first place." LOL.

I was searching for Borracha beans and ran across this wonderful thread of the old group recipes

and CathyZ posted some wonderful Mexican/Spanish recipes. this is just a link to one of the posts. be sure to look at some of the others. wonderful recipes. and also take a look in the T&T Menu section for some good ideas too. aned Claire, you may not be familiar with out T&T section(find the link to it up above), but you will find many of the old favorite recipes from Gail's listed there---lots of oldies but goodies from Loupy and Moyn and both Marg's and so many many others.

I never did find a recipe for those beans made with beer---anyone?

Ha, it doesn't fix it for us as Google does. Have you noticed the various spellings of portobello?

portabello, portabella, I've seen it spelled all those ways in recipes. Makes a search challenging.

How about (chicken) stir-fry or Spanish rice with lots of vegetables and a side of roast turkey/fish

...meatless for the vegetarian. 'Can't help you with the soy cheese.

yum! so, I know halibut would be better than salmon in this, but, OH the salmon I have, soooooo

I may have to try this with the salmon. I'll report back.
