- Am baffled.... Micro was turning on by itself. Serious fire hazard. Called GE; they sent a repairman here twice; free of charge, and they sent new parts. Under warranty, handled beautifully, but, baffled that it would make financial sense for GE to not just replace it. (Obviously I could send in the unit, or wiring, etc).... Seemed silly to me, almost like having a repairman come for a hairdryer malfunction.
- My jam raspberry jam (Syrup) that I made this summer has been in the garage. It is now completely set..... Family has devoured most of it! YEAH!! I was very happy to see that. (Sorry Steve! I wanted to trade with you!) FIL made Hungarian Pancakes this week, and we went through many jars.
- Went to a fancy dinner on Friday with one of dh colleagues. I can't justify / appreciate the costs of these restaurants. While I am no means a chef, I do pride myself on cooking. Can't rationalize or enjoy the treat.... Cute, because dh gave me a compliment on the way home suggesting the same...
- Pulling together Christmas Eve dessert menu. Any suggestions on a walnut roll recipe? I am not great with yeast. Last year it was more like a walnut hot dog.
- Making a ham (From my free thanksgiving coupon) this week to save some leftovers for Elenors overnight brunch enchiladas for Christmas Morning.
- Last night went to dh company holiday dinner..... TOO FUNNY, they had waiters and waitresses serve on fancy platters stuffed mushrooms, terriaki on a stick, shrimp cocktail, caprese skewers, etc.... They also served tiny ribs of lamb and buffalo wings.. (Both require a major amount of napkins!) It was funny to see people try to eat this as a "finger" food.
- My jam raspberry jam (Syrup) that I made this summer has been in the garage. It is now completely set..... Family has devoured most of it! YEAH!! I was very happy to see that. (Sorry Steve! I wanted to trade with you!) FIL made Hungarian Pancakes this week, and we went through many jars.
- Went to a fancy dinner on Friday with one of dh colleagues. I can't justify / appreciate the costs of these restaurants. While I am no means a chef, I do pride myself on cooking. Can't rationalize or enjoy the treat.... Cute, because dh gave me a compliment on the way home suggesting the same...
- Pulling together Christmas Eve dessert menu. Any suggestions on a walnut roll recipe? I am not great with yeast. Last year it was more like a walnut hot dog.
- Making a ham (From my free thanksgiving coupon) this week to save some leftovers for Elenors overnight brunch enchiladas for Christmas Morning.
- Last night went to dh company holiday dinner..... TOO FUNNY, they had waiters and waitresses serve on fancy platters stuffed mushrooms, terriaki on a stick, shrimp cocktail, caprese skewers, etc.... They also served tiny ribs of lamb and buffalo wings.. (Both require a major amount of napkins!) It was funny to see people try to eat this as a "finger" food.