Sunday Six


Ok, not six, but it's a big accomplishment for me... I made it to the Farmer's Mkt! A first walking around someplace! I had the cast on, but when the crowds started to pick-up got out of there. (Grrr people with strollers/wagons who try to run me down.) Got some corn, yellow pear tomatoes, several types of zukes, garlic, cauliflower, watermelon radish (so pretty I couldn't pass them up), and super delish apples. Score! Given I missed the whole summer at the FM, so super happy I got something.

Friday was some recon/shopping stocking up on staples for the holidays...this is what led to the great brown sugar debacle. I started at Coscto and the electric cart I was using died, then they had to put me in a wheelchair with this laundry cart thingy strapped to the front of me with an employee pushing me around. As you can imagine it wasn't pretty so I just had them wheel me to check-out. So, I'll need to try again there, but I'd heard they carry brown sugar...seem not at my store though.

Saturday I mostly had my nose buried in the new Stephen King book, Dr. Sleep the sequel to The Shining.

Strawberry update: Hey everyone look at me! Not only didn't mom kill me, I've made a comeback! (This is all completely new growth, all the original leaves died back. Many thanks to Joe for talking me down off the ledge!)

Yea!!! The strawberry looks great! . . .

Please let us all know when it needs to be divided, or when you have runners coming out your ears. I am sure a few of us would like to try growing it! Me included!

Ya done good. smileys/smile.gif

(and I just finished KIng's "Dr. Sleep" this morning--I do enjoy his stories!)

Weekend whatever ...

Friday - spent shopping especially for my grandchildren back home who have all kinds of requests. Then ended up in the supermarket up here (in the Berkshires) and got everything I needed for the weekend.
Saturday morning I cooked for my nephew who came in to see me at his mother's. He loves to eat so - Tortilla soup, Mexican beef stew which I served with tortillas and they became burittos and his favorite dessert - tiramisu.

Sunday packed up all the leftovers for my nephew to take except that my sister insisted on leaving some Went visiting a cousin and lunched at a local Asian fusion restaurant. Food was So-so.
The driving all over here is too magnificent. It is peak
season for the colors of the trees and grassed to change and it has been breathtaking. I have been collecting leaves to show back home - we don't have autumn.

I am so excited for you! Not just for "my" strawberry (as I watch it vicariously through you!), but

your venturing out! I am so happy that you are doing better. Sorry about the incident at costco, but seems they handled it well. I admire your spirits and strength and wish you continued smiles as you work through your recovery.

HOw fun! I did not know you were back! I love this time of year. It is like a rainbow of colors.

Hi all! Mostly not cooking lately but I did get a little bit done this weekend...

I sorta tried this Cooking Light Beef Tagine rec but after reading the reviews changed it up a bit. I had a 4 lb bone in beef arm steak which works perfect in the crock pot. So I made the spice mix along with 3/4t Cumin and 1/2t granulated garlic, rubbed it on the dry steak and browned. Then I peeled and cut 2 onions in half and put them in the bottom of the crock pot, added a bottle of pale ale and the browned steak. Covered with a large can of tomatoes that I chopped up and cooked on low for 8 hours. I added the butternut squash at the end. When all was done I tossed the onions as they were spent. I strained all the juice and boiled it down to about a cup and shredded all the meat. Removed the fat from the now sauce and poured it into the meat, stirred the squash and tomatoes back in and threw in a half a handful of currents. Made some whole wheat couscous with scallions to serve on the side. Very good cool, rainy fall dinner.

I also tried out Cooks Illustrated perfect apple pie. It wasn't perfect but was very delicious. The crust was fantastic but there was too much juice. Next time I will add some flour or other thickener.

I also tried out Martha Stewarts chocolate Pumpkin brownies. As I am from the school of "brownies should be fudgy" these were only okay because they were more cakelike. I did love the pepper in them tho. DH however devoured them!

NFRC: I was brought up that you always listened to your doctor and didn't question their directions. I have been very lucky to have lead a very healthy life so never really had the opportunity to practice being my own advocate as a patient. Recently I had bronchitis, got antibiotics and got better quickly. I was happy and healthy again. TWO MONTHS LATER I started having bad stomach problems, nothing stayed put, just got push out immediately. After too many days of this I went to the dr and she put me on Cipro "as a precaution". I dutifully took it for 3.5 of the 5 days prescribed. This is ONE NASTY DRUG!! Almost three weeks later I am still feeling it's side effects. Oh and the stomach thing? It was from the bronchitis drugs, it killed all the good flora in my stomach making room for the not so good stuff to grow.....ARGH. The moral is don't get sick and don't go to the doc!! I have done almost no cooking in weeks and miss it terribly. Last week I went to bed as soon as I came home from work and slept til morning, got up and was exhausted. One of the many, many side effects of this drug. Second moral, please be sure to know what you are putting into your body, talk to your doc about the side effects and make sure it is the right thing for you.

Your dinner sounds delicious - but so sorry for how sick you've been

Oh - I wish Jerry would eat butternut squash - he insists he doesn' t like it (I disagree - I think he really wood)

Jerry had the same bad stomach ills that a course of anti-biotics - it was horrible. I can't remember how the doctor ended up treating it but he couldn't get over how bad it was (we almost didn't make it to Thanksgiving last year)

I wish you a full recovery.

Hey Barbara, I'm sorry to hear you've been sick. If you're still feeling lousy, and for any

future antibiotics, always take acidophilus to put back the good bacteria in your system. It's also a good thing to take after you've completed the antibiotics. In addition, acidophilus protects against yeast infections, which often can be caused by antibiotics.
I had a big round of antibiotics for the past few months for a major gum infection, and the acidophilus saved me from having bad stomach problems. I use the powdered stuff and add it to plain yogurt. Or if you can find yogurt that already has active acidophilus cultures in it, that's good, too.

yay for the outing and your strawberry! those things are tough---I have some I totally neglect and

they come back every year---mostly for my dog to find.

Barbara, so sorry to hear you were so ill. My friend had giardia, and the meds also killed all the

good stuff in her innards----she swears by drinking some kefir everyday. that's what helped her get back on track.

Oh Barbara! Your body, clearly needs some rest. I am sorry that we are not closer, I would bring

you a meal. Your words are very wise re: Rx's. I do hope you get your strength and bounce back soon.

Be well, Barb. Re: your apple pie....try cooking the filling on top of the stove for about 15 minute

then drain the juices and reduce. Then dump the whole thing in the pie shell and start baking it. You can start with LOTS more fresh apple slices and still end up with a nice high pie by this method. Save the thickener for when it's baking.

Tricking my husband

I have gotten my husband to eat things he said he didn't like by calling them different names:

souffle = baked omelet
braised lamb shoulder = pot roast
keema beef curry = hamburger and potato stew

I only do this with things I'm pretty sure he will like.

Thanks everyone!! You all are so kind, thank you. I am feeling almost back to

normal and even felt good enough to try a little run yesterday afternoon when it was so beautiful out. Can't tell you how happy it makes me to feel better!!! And of course my thoughts immediately turn to cooking when I am feeling good.
