Survey: Your foodie profile

I had trouble with the combinations offered, on several would have chosen from 2 or 3 options???

and several I didn't want to choose at all...

Lamb, not a big fan. They mention lamb several times. Plus, they clearly have not seen the inside of my fridge, lol.

But in the end the results was pretty good.

Most of the choices didn't apply to me, ie, a lot of meat-based stuff, AND they never mentioned

CHOCOLATE! That's simply inexcusable!
They also never included Paris as one of the choices for favorite food city, and that's mine.
Birthday wish - none applied to me.
Signature dish - none applied to me
Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc...

Another C&C here

Your Profile: Classic & Comforting
You learned to cook alongside your grandma, and still think her teachings are gospel. You believe the correct answer to the question of olive oil or butter is both. You're happiest around a chattering table, doling out heaping plates to crowds of friends. You just had your tattered, original copy of Joy of Cooking rebound. You're certain there's nothing that melted cheese can't make better.
68.51% of people who took the quiz are this profile
