Talk about unwanted dinner guests:

oh marilyn. do you have too much time on your hands?

you could always make another gbh.

I added up my receipts for everything I spent on that Moe! Larry! Cheese!.....

The total of my insane spending for ingredients, supplies, decorating equipment, stabilizing mechanisms--not to mention a paper pattern of Notre Dame Cathedral--was...(I am almost embarrassed to type this)...$784.

Plus the $25 competition entry fee to submit it to the Rotary.

Plus the salary I forfeited taking "unpaid leave" for 4 days I stayed home to design, bake and decorate.

On the other hand, official SPONSORS of the event only had to donate $500 to get their names published on a highway billboard and in local magazines and newspaper articles. Plus, in gratitude for their civic donation and tax write-off, a volunteer baker (such as myself, for example) designed and built a GBH for them with their name on it as advertising.

One can see why I must work for others to earn a living---I would go bankrupt working for myself.

hey lady. bite your tongue. that's a real stalwart of the swap you're talking about!

WOW!! That is alot of $$....BUT, you are a "Glass is 1/2 full" gal...Think of :

- the fun that everyone had seeing it
- the fun the Lar had cleaning the dishes
- the fun that we had watching your progress (Seriously!)
- The twinkle in the eyes of the kids as they looked at the penquins
- how your voice became an octive higher when the roof came down, and those uninteligible words came out
- Your fame being referenced in the local paper!!

It really is a fun memory of your holidays! ((Just really expensive!)) I guess you are not in for Christmas '08??


I would definitely contribute to help defray the $$, just for the hilarious installment reports!

though it was certainly painful and not so funny for you. smileys/frown.gif

Lol, I'll not forget when I moved to Florida and saw my first alligator sunning himself

in the back yard. It became matter of fact to see the alligator hunters in the waterway behind the house capturing those that were too large or were considered dangerous. A friend who was out jogging one night had to jump over one to keep from stepping on it. I wonder how many years that took off his life. That was on the east coast of Florida, but there's an alligator living in a small lake just yards from my house now. I've learned to ignore them, but can't imagine the shock of seeing one in the kitchen.

Marg, that's why the alligator was in the house. He saw the cat go through a cat door into the

house; so the alligator clawed a section of the screen off the porch and went onto the porch into the kitchen.

It's apparently mating season and they're all hungry. Also, water levels are down, which doesn't help.
