I added up my receipts for everything I spent on that Moe! Larry! Cheese!.....
The total of my insane spending for ingredients, supplies, decorating equipment, stabilizing mechanisms--not to mention a paper pattern of Notre Dame Cathedral--was...(I am almost embarrassed to type this)...$784.
Plus the $25 competition entry fee to submit it to the Rotary.
Plus the salary I forfeited taking "unpaid leave" for 4 days I stayed home to design, bake and decorate.
On the other hand, official SPONSORS of the event only had to donate $500 to get their names published on a highway billboard and in local magazines and newspaper articles. Plus, in gratitude for their civic donation and tax write-off, a volunteer baker (such as myself, for example) designed and built a GBH for them with their name on it as advertising.
One can see why I must work for others to earn a living---I would go bankrupt working for myself.