technical problems: Please don't post in Recipe Swap

Paul host
Staff member
If you are experiencing technical problems, on the home page main menu is a "Contact" link and I'm including that link here.

Also at the bottom of the site is an email address. You can use this to make a PayPal donation but you can also use it to contact me directly. (I'd prefer the contact form however for tech support)

These message posted in the Recipe Swap just become clutter and inconsiderate for other readers in the Recipe Swap. Unless you contact me, it is just general complaining and not useful.

to clarify

I am not annoyed and I did not mean to call anyone out. I am just saying that if you want something resolved, it will be more effective to contact me directly rather than cluttering the board. On the flip side of this, it is helpful for me to be able to resolve issues when there are individuals who are willing to have a dialogue with me to help me to drill down through the issue. But those types of dialogues should be via a direct communication like email.

Well said, and a good lesson. It does no good to complain, but a lot of good to send the message

to the person who can fix the complaint.
