For me the key to the article is being happy with what you've got. Or like you,
if you want something, customize it to your needs. Especially when I was younger, I felt I had to have everything I saw in a magazine or on TV. And that pull consumed so much of my energy, it was absurd. It fell far short of what I thought would make me happy. If the marketers weren't telling me what would make me happy, I finally had to listen to myself, and figure it out. For me, that's been quite a journey. I was a latchkey kid and grew up watching hundreds of hours of TV. I didn't just watch TV, I expected my life to be like the Cosbys or Dallas. When it never added up...for better or worse, I was so confused. Appreciating things like heat, water, and a full belly are things I'm only recently coming to terms with and appreciating completely. Frankly, I just assumed those would be things I always would have..until I didn't.