Thanks Missy, I just can't quite imagine a cherry-flavored pickle...

Thanks Missy, I just can't quite imagine a cherry-flavored pickle...

hopefully the kids will like them too.

They are 'sweet' - real sweet and do have a fairly strong cherry flavor...

How old is your son? I might have some other 'fun' things he might find interesting and want to try. What things does he like?

Do they taste like cherry did she say? I am very curious as to how these will taste.

Hopefully they will fly with the kidlets around here. Otherwise we had fun making them. Thanks for the feedback because I was sure no one had ever heard of them before. He did say that he found them in an old Southern cookbook, Mississippi, maybe.

I dunno'. My kids are grown but I think I'd rather they didn't cook if this is what they'd make.
