Thannk for the recipes and suggestions and wee bits of advice.....


Well-known member
First day at school...OLD granny hauls herself up and gets ready to start NEW JOB (I am filling in for some one at a job I really am not aux faux with, such a challenge) while DH and darling, darling youngest sprog get on with the 9 & 11 year olds...

there is "picture" day today and 11 year old has a HUGE herpie on her lower lip...not a happy chappie, poor dear.

9 year old is OK but is the one with the "I dont eat wheat" thing and is also the one who WONT BRUSH HER HAIR......and it IS picture day...well that is the least of our problems....

Grandad sees to breakfast, DD sees to getting them dressed, getting the puppy...yes we also have their puppy (a rescue is very tiny)and the dogs fed...their ancient old lab and our deaf and slow sheltie all get breakfast, puppy pee barriers up etc.

This is at 5.45am????!

You know we have had 4 children and it never was this involved...are we old and forgetful now...geeeeez!

I had made lunch the night before and got it in the neck from sweet DD who has a dreadful cold..."Mum!!!! The soya sauce has GLUTEN CONTENT"...well buggar that as I just remembered that I had used the bottle that I had mixed with some chilli oil for a recipe a few weeks back......

WELL! the best thing is to keep mum about it and see what happens at the end of the day...too late now......


I had made shrimp, rice vermiccelli with tomatoes and a light dressing of soya (and this chilli oil..GULP)


Both of them devoured the lunch and so far the wheat intolerant one has had no symptoms.....hope it stays so.....

By 6.45am we were in the car and off to do our lift club (car pool) and every thing went just fine as GRANNY has a short cut that is over the back roads , dirt, full of humps and bumps and much like a WET roller coaster as it is very muddy with all the rain.

WE made up 13 mins going this way and they actually smiled a bit when we took the bumps....

back to worry we would be late...

AND I had to stop to buy water!!!!!

I forgot to provide them with a bottle each....there is a water fountain but you never know, I'd rather they went prepared from their grand parents house.

We made everything with plenty of time to spare, old granny was the "Best and Such FUN, kiss, kiss" getting them there on time and with a rollercoaster ride!!! Yaaaa!

Lunch was carrots, this (chilli) shrimp and tomatoe rice stir fry, cookies/rice cookies, chocie puddings, fruit and rice crispy treats....

I shopped for different ingredients for the rest of the week after work and got in at 6.30pm...they were home by 7pm,(it is an awfully long day) their Grandad finally got them after horse riding, swimming and DD was making supper Thai green curry chicken (not hot)

and Me, I had a friend over for a bit of sob, sob-on-the shoulder tell me over a glass or two of wine about her rather traumatic breakup.....

Homework done...DAMN homework....I had forgotten about this getting serious at this age....

9 year old....." what are the attributes and describe the patterns of some (silly) math thing"...even accountant grandad thinks it is (silly) but we never mentioned that to her.

Now they are happily in bed and I am off too, having made ham sarmies for one...leftover supper for the other, and all the extra things including water all laid out for them..... 5.45am rising again tomorrow....

Strange thing really, as normally I am out feeding the ducks and chickens by 6am BUT it is not a pressured thing, rather one of enjoyment rising early....

HOW on earth did we do all this for 4 children once upon a time...(well, we lived in SA and had 4 staff which helped a lot) and there it was never so dreadfully hot, nor did I HAVE to go off to work! (which I am doing as I promised to help a friend out.)

Tomorrow night I have a meeting at 5.30pm and planned to make cornish hens when we get in but I think it will have to be crab cakes as time is so limited, and baked apples.

Lunch will be a mix of your ideas, with hummous and cucumber, corn tortillas and baked apple left overs from supper......

Thank you all for the are all the best.

You are a hoot, joanie! Your meals sound fabulous...I can't believe a 9-year old eats that well...

And I never even had Thai until my fourth decade on this earth--a Thai restaurant in Coral Cables in 1988.

Plus, I had to look up the word: "sarmie". Thought it was like an empanada or samosa. Does that mean I had "vocabulary class" from you?

Joanie, go to the glutenfreegirl blog for lots of help with gluten free eating/cooking.

she links to lots of other websites too, and warns about products that appear to be gluten free---like that soya product---but are actually not. lots of recipes too.
I'm tired just reading about your day.

Thanks Ang, perhaps tomorrow I will have a little time to check it out, am sooo hoping I'll deal....

with the work day. I have had just one week of learning the ropes in a job I have never done and it is a full on office accounting type job in a field I simply have never experienced before....
Hold thumbs I do not make a huge mess of things.
