The Bridesilla Cake. This was posted on epi and you really have to see it to believe it!

I think you do haha He also looks scared and Kev said he wondered if they saved her head for their

1st annniversary hahahahaha

I think the groom looks scared maybe the cake will take a bite out of him too. hahahahahhahahha

I get the feeling the poor guy didn't have much say over ANY of it... what man would go for that?!

more like life-sized ego. that's just plain ole scary! it looks like the top isn't

edible and the dress is made of tiers. bet they scare more than a few people if they keep that top lying around '-)))

Here's my humble opinion (Is there such a thing about someone else's wedding?)

There are companies who produce replica dolls based on submitted photos. I'm sure they aren't cheap, but probably less expensive than that wedding cake. I think the bride should have sent photos of her in her wedding gown to one of these doll companies, and had her dream come true... a doll in her likeness and in her wedding gown, no less. It would be a treasure and a keepsake, not just a bunch of photos of an extremely customized cake. And if at some point the marriage didn't work out, she could put doll clothes on it. If it's your dream and you're going to spend that much on it... choose wisely.

Imiagine an unsuspecting guest, looking in their freezer for ice cubes...AAAHHHHH!
