The Christmas Puds are mixed and are mellowing overnight before steaming. Yay! One job done.

Good job done is right! Oh how I loved those plum puddings that my

Scottish "aunt" Peggy who lived in Haddonfield, NJ used to make when I was a kid. She planted silver (not real) trinkets wrapped in wax paper into the pudding and my English Uncle Glen would flambe with brandy and then came the custard over the top...

Do you do the same with your puddings?

Of course we had to be careful not to eat the trinkets - Lol

I've put coins into the pudding but never trinkets. We do flambe the pud at the table and

serve it with hard sauce. Some years I've also made a hot brandy sauce.

Aw shucks Sylvia, I'm honored to be your guest. I'll bring some port wine and

quackers. I just need a high chair if that's okay.
