The cupcake thread made me remember how as kids we looked forward to getting...


Well-known member
a special cupcake available only at Haloween. Frosted in orange or chocolate with maybe a candycorn or other sugary candy atop and best of all with a paper wrapped prize baked inside.

No way that would be allowed today--think of the lawsuits. We kids just knew not to eat the prize BG.

I want to find some black cat Peeps to decorate them with this year. They seem to be

pretty scarce but sure would look cute on an orange-frosted cupcake.

LOL! .....Halloween is my favorite holiday!

And is my favorite thing about Martha Stewart, because it's hers too.

Getting a prize inside a cupcake reminds me of a King Cake, what a cool idea. Of course they'd need a warning label. smileys/smile.gif

Schools discourage the bringing of any treats now.

Too many lawsuit possibilities, plus they have the days packed so full they don't have time to celebrate birthdays. Not to mention that moms no longer have the time, either.

Very sad, as I remember elementary school birthdays so fondly. One mom even brought Hostess cupcakes and chocolate shakes from McDonald's. We all thought she was THE coolest mom, ever.

Shoot, in Fifth Grade we arranged to surprise the teacher on her birthday with a real cake.

It's too bad they don't have the time anymore to stop on occasion and eat cake.

I remember those Charlie. might be a NE thing as I was raised on LI. didn't hostess

make them?

I think part of it is the peanut butter problem too - someone bringing it

something that might have peanuts or peanut oil in it. I think I read somewhere that there are more kids with peanut allergies these days. And the obesity problem.

I'm glad I went to school when I did!

Our district has had a no home made foods policy for years, but the PTA still allows

them at their events, and the most popular events is the holiday bake sale, even though only about 70% of the items hare home-baked.

A lot of the problems stemmed from food prepared under less than sanitary conditions.

thanks, I just remember the small charms wrapped in paper in the centers but,

obviously, I was to young to remember where they came from... ducking.... '-D
