The egg white list above makes me miss all the great cooks who used to post here.

Yeah, it's sad how many people have either stopped posting altogether or post very sporadically.

Agreed, should we have a family meeting here y'all? - Please read

I love we have out little community here, but I've also noticed a drop-off in traffic.

How is everyone feeling about that? I'm a bit torn, I love that it's just us but well... the fact is we've sorta all grown up together and maybe aren't planning the food events we once all were, or able to share our knowledge with newbies.

I've hesitiated to bring this up but has anyone else thought about this? Does anyone still go to Epi to send long lost friends our way if they drop by? I'm just wondering what everyone is thinking -- or not thinking.


Know what you mean, I'm sort of new, since '04?'05? But this is one of my

important families? And boy have we been through some stuff together!!!! Wowzee!
How about a thread where we could chime in with our news about the last few years?? Drat, you said "grown up", guess I am out. Growing older, but not up? waiting to get big?

Could also ask about those that others might be in touch with?

O.K. Go--

I have noticed what I thought was a drop off in new posts and new posters as well. I wonder.....

...if the economy has something to do with it.

I hate to blame one more thing on the economy, but I know I have less time to cook as I'm working every available minute to keep things afloat here. Plus, I am less inclined to spend money trying recipes I don't trust.

Other than that, I do think we need to make a continued effort to bring new people in and keep the board growing. As thankful as I am to for hosting, without a web site that generates high traffic from foodies, we're fighting an uphill battle getting newbies introduced to the forum.

Think back to our time at Epi. Even with that site's traffic we really didn't get a huge number of new participants that hung around for more than a couple of questions or answers. We did occasionally get someone who enjoyed the forum and stayed. That's the people we want to try and attract.

I'm looking through my address book and trying to invite any friends that enjoy cooking to visit the forum. Hopefully one or two will stay. Maybe others could do the same thing?


Sorry I've been abscent a lot lately - still overwhelmed @ work w/flood

Besides the flood DH got the temp job out of Portland, OR so getting him ready for his first stint out there, getting ready for DD's HS graduation last week has just taken what little 'strength' I had left. I feel like I want to cook but just don't. I've got to get my 'groove' back somehow.

I think you're right on about the economy.I've noticed a drop-off of posts on other food forums also

This is not the first time this site has gone quiet. I haven't been posting much since the new year

because we were away for much of the winter. We've also haven't been entertaining much either which is when I tend to try new recipes. I do check the site every day to see what's happening. Perhaps with the onset of summer people will become more enthusiastic and adventurous and start posting again.

i've been going to a series of technique classes @ Williams-Sonoma (more)

on Sunday mornigns-great instructor who always shows me something new (or something I have forgotten to do lately).
I mentioned the site last week and was thinking about bringing a "bookmark" with the Swap's info to class.
Many different levels of cooking experience and knowledge are represented, and the classes are fun...
What do others think about "recruitment"?

Perhaps it's cyclical, heading into the summer season? I'm active on Twitter and that

seems to have dropped off too.

I think we've lost people because they used to post from work and a number of companies now have

blocks preventing that very thing. Apparently a great deal of company time is spent in pursuit of internet visits that aren't work related. The majority of that time is spent on porn . . . still.

Doesn't seem like there are very many old timers over on epi any longer. There are a few crossovers but the pickings are purty slim.

Personally, I joined the group and used to post more often when we had a retail store

with a computer.....

The store is gone, and my time on the computer is more precious because I have lined up other commitments.

I also must admit that for me the passing of Randi almost a year ago put a damper on everything foodie-related, for a while. I've come around.

Also, struggling to make ends meet, I've been less interested in new ideas for dinner parties. That's life!

Many of you seem to have similar challenges. I don't think we're unique. I still make quick checks into the forum daily. I will make an effort to post more often--if only a smiley face-- to let you all know I'm checking in.

Finally, because Jacques always makes his omelet with one egg and 2 whites, I have a freezer full of yolks ( 2 at a time in pimento jars, beaten with a pinch of salt. Thank you, Marilyn,) so I have absolutely nothing to contribute to the above thread.

