The "New Home For Our Forum" link, just in case any of you ...

Could someone post a link to the actual test site, too? I had it once, but

keep losing it. Thanks. I don't have a google account, so I know I didn't use this linked one... I posted a couple of comments, but can't find the site now.

Interesting! Thanks to those that have participated in the testing. Couple of quick questions

What does it mean to be friends?

What is the difference between the forum and Recipe Swap?

Do you know if you can still PM?

Lastly, is that a chat feature? When you invite for a specific discussion?

Just curious..

Thanks again for the testing...Looks like it maintains most if not all of our current features which we enjoy, but also may have some enhancements....Thanks Whinecountry for putting the time, effort, energy and thought into a smooth migration

If I remember correctly, the Recipe Swap will look like this board, and will...

...have the features we know and love on this board.

The forum will be more like Epi's board, for those who prefer that format (more like other boards on the net.)


Dawn, the new forum will be exactly like it is now, but instead of being part of a Kitchen store,

it will be part of a food magazine. There will be other content there and other forums, but the swap will remain intact.

Barb, I believe the "friends" part is a social network like facebook, which is entirely optional

Those of us who want to just use the recipe swap can do so, just as we used it here for years without necessarily browsing the FinerKitchens site.

But the social network, forum, blogs etc. will attract more users.

Good, but then I have the same question Barb does, what

What is the difference between the forum and the swap? Will there be two? Will we get lost and maybe miss things, going in all different directions? (I told you I worry too much!)

Again, a big THANK YOU to Paul and Mimi for keeping us happy! I'd be lost without all you guys.

Yes, there will be two. The swap will stay just as it is, and the forum will have a different

format. I'm not sure yet, but I believe only members can view the forum, but non-members will still be able to "lurk" in the swap.
