The New York Times, in their own inimitable prose, slams the sham of Guy Fieri!

Wow, is he really that bad? I don't watch him. Can only take so much of his demeanor

Don't really know that much about him, but the food I have seen him make, has clogged my arteries.

Did you hear about the roast of Bourdain, and Fieri attended, naturally.

He really got a lot off his chest about the abuse he's taken from Bourdain that night, that's for sure.

I laughed until I cried at this article. Made me wish I lived in NYC to attend.

I do have to admit though, I love watching Diners Drive Ins and Dives because I like those kinds of places when I'm traveling. There is nothing better than a diner. When Fieri really likes a place he says "its money" or something like that. When he's not so impressed he gets really descriptive about the food. Makes me want to play poker against him, he's got good "tells".

To quote Max Bialistock (another great huckster) "When you've got it, flaunt it baby! Flaunt it!"

He's having his 15 minutes of fame, if there's a God in heaven, at some point, it'll all come crashing down around him.

Oooops, sorry, forgot to mention this article is a bit obscene.

I thought it was hilarious. Fiery calls Bourdain the Jose Canseco of the food world... Lol

Guy is on the Today show serving his dishes and crying foul, but the point of the review

is that at the restaurant he was absent and no one cared. The hostess, the servers, the kitchen staff. No attention at all to quality. That's what's wrong with celebrity chefs who make a lot of money lending their name to some corporate venture.

Probably my favorite movie EVER. Quote:

"Here, take money. Buy bullets. KILL the actors." "You can't just kill the actors, they're not animals!" "Oh no? Have you ever EATEN with one?" Words to live by.
