I prefer Fresh Market. to Whole Foods
FM has the best bread, namely the frozen Portuguese rolls. We never buy those that are out ready baked, but ask for the frozen rolls, which we heat for about 7 minutes, and they are amazing. Each time we serve these to others, they take a bite, then comment on the flavor. They also have great olive bread and cheese buns. Their dried herbs are fresh and reasonably priced. Their ground ginger is better than Penzeys', IMO, and their curry is very similar to what I grew up on, so I really like it. Their wine and beer selection is good, and their fresh fruit and vegetables are great. Their flat parsley comes in huge great healthy bunches, unlike the limp tiny things that pretend to be parsley at Publix, and the lettuce we buy there lasts as long as we need it to. In fact, the only lettuce that I prefer to theirs is the new boxes of 6 little artisan lettuces from Costco, which are not only adorable and pretty, but taste way better than even Boston lettuce.
I know lots of people don't like Fresh Market. I laughed at a friend who had one open nearby, and complained that she hated it and it was So Expensive, and she wished that Whole Foods had opened instead. I can't afford anything except maybe a bar of chocolate at Whole Foods, and I don't actually want to buy all that much that I find there on a regular basis (except the cheeses, oh my gosh, the che$$$$$eses), but I would be sad without Fresh Market around the corner.
And as for Trader Joe's, every now and then DD smugly mentions that she's been there... grrrr. The article was really interesting.