The Trader Joe's Story from Fortune Magazine. Everything you wanted to know . . . and less!

Very good article! I couldn't do without my Trader Joe's... people always seems surprised

that something they really like - like Trader Joe's pita chips - are made by a well known company (like Stacy). Well, SOMEONE has to make them - do they think there are food manufacturers that make items ONLY for TJ? I think TJ has great buyers and when I buy something there, it is usually terrific quality (and always great price). They are always friendly, always helpful, the store is always immaculate, and you can return anything with no question.

Most people don't know you can even stop at the front desk and ask for a printout of every item in the store that is gluten free, or low fat... probably others I don't even know about. VERY consumer-oriented.

We're leaving next week for two weeks. Plan on TJ's on the way down to Va.

Searching the archives for ideas on what to buy. Wish we had one here. Just got a Fresh Mkt and I'm not impressed. Heard they come in when Whole Foods and TJ's pass on the area smileys/frown.gif

I prefer Fresh Market. to Whole Foods

FM has the best bread, namely the frozen Portuguese rolls. We never buy those that are out ready baked, but ask for the frozen rolls, which we heat for about 7 minutes, and they are amazing. Each time we serve these to others, they take a bite, then comment on the flavor. They also have great olive bread and cheese buns. Their dried herbs are fresh and reasonably priced. Their ground ginger is better than Penzeys', IMO, and their curry is very similar to what I grew up on, so I really like it. Their wine and beer selection is good, and their fresh fruit and vegetables are great. Their flat parsley comes in huge great healthy bunches, unlike the limp tiny things that pretend to be parsley at Publix, and the lettuce we buy there lasts as long as we need it to. In fact, the only lettuce that I prefer to theirs is the new boxes of 6 little artisan lettuces from Costco, which are not only adorable and pretty, but taste way better than even Boston lettuce.

I know lots of people don't like Fresh Market. I laughed at a friend who had one open nearby, and complained that she hated it and it was So Expensive, and she wished that Whole Foods had opened instead. I can't afford anything except maybe a bar of chocolate at Whole Foods, and I don't actually want to buy all that much that I find there on a regular basis (except the cheeses, oh my gosh, the che$$$$$eses), but I would be sad without Fresh Market around the corner.

And as for Trader Joe's, every now and then DD smugly mentions that she's been there... grrrr. The article was really interesting.

I agree, we have both FM and WF, prefer FM. The chicken and pork products are excellent and go on

sale often. I still prefer WF Italian Sausage, but FM's is really good and at least $2 a lb less.

Their shrimp is wild caught from the gulf or Atlantic and is so good. I buy frozen in either 5 lb or 2 lb bags, whichever it comes in that week it's on sale, in lieu of the already thawed. I've bought the 16-20 size for $9.00 a lb on sale. I've also bought fish many times, usually something featured on sale and haven't been disappointed yet, more than I can say for Publix.

I've seen produce items, such as celery root, reasonably priced at Fresh Market when I'd given up ever finding it here in SW Florida. And last year, they had New Mexico Green Chiles, the first I've seen here.

We love the breads, far better than Publix, especially the sour dough rolls and baguettes, hamburger and sausage buns. I'm going to ask about the frozen Portuguese rolls, thanks for the hint!

I don't buy many of their grocery items, but they do carry De Cecco pasta, sometimes on sale for $2. I think it's $4 a lb at Sweetbay (Hannaford).

I'm wondering if they vary a lot depending upon location?

But I really enjoy my forays into Trader Joe's when traveling through St. Louis, I wish we had them here.

A hearty vote for Fresh Market over Whole Foods. Both very near my

home. I can walk to FM. I love their strip steak,fresh chicken, good produce and some breads.I was disappointed when they stopped carrying Murphy Farms ribs and pork and now carry Smithfield which I can buy cheaper at Costco. I never have good luck at Whole Foods when I bother to go there. Their prices are high and their quality spotty. I went there last week to buy Yukon Gold potatoes for a butternut squash and potato gratin. Almost half of them were all dark in the middle and had to be thrown out. Never again, I say. This has happened one time too often. I am fortunate to have a Costco and Trader Joes and Kroger about 10 minutes away and within 1/4 mile of each other.

I'm not wild about Fresh Market either. I bought "fresh" trout fillets there, took them home, opened

the package, and they had an off odor. Returned them immediately. Luckily, the flagship Harris Teeter here has an outstanding fish department, so I buy all my fish there.

As far as the bread is concerned, I've only tried Fresh Market's "baguette," and it was anything *but*. It was soft, soggy, and tasteless. I haven't tried any of the breads others have mentioned, so I'll have to check them out.

We don't have a Whole Foods here (or a TJ's, of course - yes, I'm bitter, bitter, bitter), but we have a fantastic health food market, called EarthFare, which is far superior to Whole Foods - better selection, better prices, and better customer service. And unlike Whole Foods, which I've always found to have a cold, clinical atmosphere, EarthFare has a very warm atmosphere with friendly, helpful employees.

Have fun at TJ's, Cyn!

thanks for the link Timely for me since

my wife has been critical of me lately for doing a 180 on TJs. I used to disdain the place and really didn't like the fact that I'd bring stuff home only later to read that it had originated in China. Now (especially since my oldest daughter has developed a dizzying array of severe food allergies) I read the ingredients on pretty much everything I buy - even stuff like toothpaste. I rarely find anything with labeling from China any more at TJs but I do often wonder about where the stuff comes from. Two things in particular keep me coming back: their half & half. I'm a coffee fiend and we have a great dairy here in Sonoma County called Clover. But I have to say that personally I prefer the TJ Half & Half... The other thing which I've asked my wife to never, ever let me buy again are their "all natural" nacho tortilla chips. They are like Kryptonite for me.

Another TJs half and half fan here. Speaking of chips....have you tried their sea salt pita chips?

The plain ones, not the flavored oh my! They're terrific with TJs hummus too.
