The two strings above show exactly why I love all of you so much! The rib string and the use of ...


Well-known member
...extreme profanity in the Saveur Best New Blog of 2013 are fine examples of why this place is so special.

The string about cooking ribs shows the helpfulness of our group and the diversity of techniques used in getting from point "A" to point "B" when it comes to cooking a great meal. What was written there can (and will) be used for years by some of us, and is exactly what good cooks do for each other.

The string on the blog shows just how our diversity comes into play, and how we can express differing opinions with wisdom, wit and wonderment.

I love all of you! Thanks for being here with me.


I second that, Michael. This is exactly why I appreciate this place. Not just for the recipes

that are shared here, but most of all for the people I meet in here. You are wonderful! smileys/heart.gif
